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The Boater's Directory

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The Sunrise, Florida Business Directory

Premium Listing

1 The Sunrise, Florida Business Directory
1251 Fairway Greens Dr.
Sun City Center Florida 33573 USA
Phone: (954) 895-4638


The Sunrise, Florida Business Directory provides free listings for businesses located in Sunrise, Florida and categorized by profession or occupation.

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Votes: 0 | Date: May 3, 2005 | Rating: 0
From: Other Interesting Websites/Regional
Relevance: 99.99%

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The Sunrise, Florida Business Directory
Premium Listing
The Hobby Line! Internet Directory

Premium Listing

2 The Hobby Line! Internet Directory
1251 Fairway Greens Dr.
Sun City Center FL 33573 United States
Phone: 954-895-4638


The Hobby Line Internet Directory is an internet directory listing of websites categorized by subject and topic areas.

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Votes: 76 | Date: May 2, 2005 | Rating: 10
From: Other Interesting Websites/Reference
Relevance: 102.22%

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The Hobby Line! Internet Directory
3. Portland Yacht Services, Inc.
Portland Yacht Services is a full service Boatyard and Marina, providing customers with a full spectrum of services for outfitting and maintaining a motor or sailing vessel. Our dedicated staff handles all types of storage, maintenance, refits, and restorations on any type of boat or yacht.
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From: Maine
Relevance: 243.21%
Votes: 0 | Rating: 0
Portland Yacht Services, Inc.
4. Oldport Marine Services, Inc.
Oldport Marine Services, Inc in Newport, RI, is a dealer for Yanmar Marine Diesel Engines and builder of the OMS 26 passenger launch. Oldport’s services include: Yanmar engine & parts sales, new & used launch sales, mechanical repair services.
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From: Rhode Island
Relevance: 232.64%
Votes: 0 | Rating: 10
Oldport Marine Services, Inc.
5. GlassTech Corp.
Yacht restoration services and custom parts for boats in Miami, Florida. Specialists in Bertram yachts and others with refitting and boatyard services including interiors, decks, pulpits, platforms, and more.
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From: Florida/Southern Florida
Relevance: 215.83%
Votes: 0 | Rating: 2
GlassTech Corp.
6. Mart Dock Boat Storage
Boat storage and marine services
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From: Michigan
Relevance: 199.91%
Votes: 0 | Rating: 0
Mart Dock Boat Storage
7. OS Marine Maintenance & Repair Services
Boat repairs and marine repair shop in Metro Vancouver. At OS Marine, we provide quality, reliable boat and yacht services to our customers.
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From: Canada
Relevance: 179.52%
Votes: 0 | Rating: 0
OS Marine Maintenance & Repair Services
8. Ship Spares india Abhi Marine
Abhi Marine Pvt Ltd is the leading stockists & re-conditioners of used ship spares. We appreciate inquiries of any marine machinery from all over the world and provide our best quote for the requirement.
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From: India
Relevance: 172.43%
Votes: 1 | Rating: 9
Ship Spares india Abhi Marine
Provides a list of services, models, photo/video gallery, and concept gear.
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From: Boats/Fishing
Relevance: 149.99%
Votes: 0 | Rating: 0
10. Skiff Craft
Builder of skiff-style wooden boats. Offers repair and restoration services. Located in Plain city, Ohio.
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From: Boats/Wood
Relevance: 144.77%
Votes: 0 | Rating: 0
Skiff Craft
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